Monday, March 16, 2009

Student Expectations with Technology

Students today expect to use technology everywhere. They have cell phones with lots of bells and whistles. They are more familiar with computers than many adults. They want instant access to information. The other day in my classroom, we were discussing a problem that referred to chicken pox. Someone wondered why the virus was called chicken pox. I didn't know so I asked him to google it later that evening and let us know the next day. About five minutes later, the student said, "I have the answer to that question now." I inquired as to how he was able to get such a quick response. With a smile, he said, "it just came to me via a wireless connection to my brain." This student is the owner of an apple iphone. Students have much higher expectations in receiving information than my generation did. Today there are all kinds of media in which to glean information. The student made video embedded below illustrates the difference between a traditional and modern way of gathering information. I found the video on Bill Ferriter's site, The Tempered Radical. It made me laugh, but also made me think that we really do need to catch up with our use of technology within our classrooms.

1 comment:

  1. Students today have a craze for technologies and hang about with mobiles. They find practical learning easier and simpler.Teachers should assist students to do practical learning.An excellent website provides surplus information about students' expectations with technology.
